Registration for 2024 - 2025 Session is now available!

Class days and times are finalized near the end of August. 

Please send email to for potential conflicts such as religion classes etc.

Click the title to view our class offerings per category. 

If there is availability a blue register link will be on the left of the class name. 

If the class is full you may still register to be put on a wait list. 

  • For 12 month to 2.5 year old infant/toddlers and Moms/relative/godparent etc.. This class will prepare little ones for their future dance classes!

  • BALLET: is the foundation of all dance in which proper alignment, posture, technique and discipline are emphasized. Ballet gives dancers the tools to progress in all other forms of dance. Our objective is to give your child control and refinement, while focusing on placement and terminology. 

    TAP: focuses on musical combinations and rhythms. Tap dancing helps to build a strong sense of rhythm and enhance the dancer's technical development. 

    JAZZ: incorporates the latest dance trends with energetic and rhythmic movements. Jazz dance allows a wide freedom of expression and is taught through many styles of dance along with a variety of different techniques. 

  • Dancers learn street dance styles primarily performed to hip-hop music or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture. It includes a wide range of styles with hard hitting motions. 

  • Pointe: Beginner/Intermediate level ballet technique performed on hard toe shoes. Classical Ballet: focuses on strict ballet technique based on precise conventional steps performed with graceful flowing movements.

  • This class focuses to increase flexibility and advancing skill level regarding leaps and turns. The class will also work on controlled tumbling tricks, this helps with strength, flexibility, and balance.