pdcs louisiana gold girls

The PDCS LA Gold Girls are a marching POM group of teenage students that perform throughout the year at local parades, events and the PDCS recital. To take part in this group members must be enrolled in BALLET, TAP, JAZZ and/or CHEER. The LA GOLD GIRLS members must attend a two day try-out where choreography will be taught and then judged by independent judges. This group usually has one week of choreography classes in the month of August where the dances are learned and two-three additional yearly practices to refresh the routines, usually held the week before events. Team members must try out for a position on the team and range in age from 12-18.

2024-2025 TRYOUTS

July 15th - July 16th

5:30 - 7:30 PM

Interested in becoming a LA GOLD GIRL? 

Email admin@paigesdcs.com for more details. 

gold girl performances

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